We Heart Young House Love

Fellow Young House Love fans…. let’s CHAT.

young house love bookIt’s no secret around here that we are big fans of John & Sherry. Before the DIY Playbook even crossed our mind, we were avid readers of YHL. Heck… YHL was the first blog that introduced us to the blogosphere and one that ultimately inspired us to start the DIY Playbook.young house love book coffee cookie

Being states away from each other tackling our own mini DIY projects at that time, we loved chatting with each other about the inspiration and ideas that YHL shared and would look forward to enjoying our morning coffee while catching up on their latest project. Not only did we look forward to their projects and posts, but we also felt happier, more inspired, and extra excited to DIY after reading. <— how did they do that?!

Needless to say, we were very bummed when YHL stopped blogging a little over a year ago. (…. you can imagine how quickly we called the other when we first heard the news!!) We were blogging at the time and not that we could ever understand their level of blog, we just could not understand why they would walk away from their uber successful slice of the internet when things seemed to really be taking off for them. When the posts suddenly stopped, we were shocked (and selfishly sad) at the news. We had plenty of conversations speculating what they were up to, why they stopped blogging, and most of all…. how much we MISSED tuning in everyday!

young house love book coffee cookieFast forward about a year when John and Sherry recently debuted a podcast explaining their sudden absence on Young House Love. We were excited to get the scoop about what they were up to and were looking forward to hearing a little more backstory on what exactly happened last year. In true YHL fashion, they did not disappoint and left us feeling positive, inspired, and totally supportive of their decision. (We recommend the hour long podcast to any fellow YHL fans).

Although we still are a tiny bit sad that they are not a part of our daily routines (it’s selfish, we know), we completely admire their ability to do what is best for them and for their family. As far as we’re concerned, if they’re happy…. we’re happy for them! And although they are taking a new route, we are still big fans!

IMG_3139And in true fan girl fashion, we had to show them some love when they recently stopped in Chicago on their book tour.ย After work, we hurried over to the West Elm on North Avenue (copies of their latest book in hand) to jump in line & say hi!

As we waited, we were excited to have the chance to hang out, catch up on the week, touch base on our upcoming to-do lists. <– Weekday treat for us! About half hour later, we made it to the front of the line to chat with John & Sherry.

young house love book We introduced ourselves as big fans (!!) and were stunned when they unexpectedly replied, “Bridget & Casey from the DIY Playbook, right?!” <—- hold the phone, saaayyyy whaaatttt?! #whopaidyouguystosaythat #seriouslythough

young-house-love-YHL-book-signing-casey-bridget-john-sherryWeย chatted and laughed, posed for an awkward photo, they signed our books, we signed their guestbook, we laughed some more and eventually went on our merry way.

The thing we appreciated most about the whole event was that John and Sherry were just as fun/positive/warm/welcoming/chipper/excited/etc. in person as they appear to be on their blog (plus, the burger cookie was pretty delicious too!).

AND Not that our opinion matters (at all) but for what it’s worth, we think they deserve all the success they have had and continue to have. They continue to inspire people and spread positivity & passion for all things home. And although we still miss sipping on our morning coffees while catching up on their latest projects, we have tons of respect for them and their courage to do what is best for their family.

young house love bookNot that YHL should ever take advice from these two rookies, but just for the record —ย Keep kicking butt YHL…. we’re so happy for you guys & will always be big fans!

Bridget and Casey SignatureYou can get a COPY of their new book here or pick up their original book here.ย 

The Year of Casey

Hey there!

Iโ€™m Casey Finn, the voice behind The DIY Playbook. I’m a Chicago gal teaching you how to design, DIY, and maintain your home…by yourself! Learn more about me right here.

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