Out of Office for Our Babymoon

Hi friends! I just wanted to pop in here real quick to let you know that I won’t have a blog post today or tomorrow. We’re heading to Scottsdale for a relaxing babymoon. This is our first time traveling since the pandemic started and we’re feeling okay about it since we’re both fully vaccinated.

What to do on your palm springs babymoon
Our Babymoon to Palm Springs, 2020

The hardest part is going to be leaving Rory for a few days. (Don’t worry, she’ll be happy as a clam with Grama!) ย Neither of us has ever been apart from her for more than a day, so we will be missing our sweet girl. I see lots of FaceTime happening to get our fix! Scottsdale trip

I’m sure I’ll be sharing some behind-the-scenes over on Instagram stories, so tune in there if you want to see what we’re up to over the weekend. And I’ll be sure to do a big blog post recapping our babymoon towards the end of the month.Staying at hotel avalon on our palm springs babymoon

Our game plan is to sleep in, drink mocktails by the pool, and work on baby names for our son. We’re excited for some R&R with just the two of us. Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you back here on Monday, with a new blog post.


The Year of Casey

Hey there!

Iโ€™m Casey Finn, the voice behind The DIY Playbook. I’m a Chicago gal teaching you how to design, DIY, and maintain your home…by yourself! Learn more about me right here.

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